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You will learn :

-What is Reiki,  how Reiki works , its different levels and how you get a Placement of Reiki
- History and use of Reiki
- Japanese Reiki techniques and a history of Holy Fire
-Reiki Ideals and three pillars of Reiki
-Gassho Meditation
- Receive Reiki I Placement 
-Practice Reiki with others in the class 
-Byosen Scanning 
-Reiji-ho technique
-Hands position for standart practice
-Kenyoku technique
-Hayashi Healing guide 
-Code of Ethics and Standart of Practice
-Self scan and self-treatment 
-Use of pendulum for Reiki sessions

Duration : 8hours (it can be done in two half-days) plus
an additional  45min Online  meeting few weeks after your training
for a "boost"  Placement and follow up.

Furthermore, a follow-up continues till the student is confident at practicing this level of Reiki.


Including tax, a 180page electronic manual (a paper version is also available), Reiki Lineage, Certification and an additional Online meeting for a boost Placement.

***($85 non-refund  advanced deposit to reserve place upon receiving your course manual)
 Payment Installments are possible.

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