My own healing Journey

My spiritual journey began over 35 years ago. At the age of 3, my twin brother was diagnosed with a congenital heart disease. Very quickly his condition worsened and shortly after the doctors concluded that he would die unless a new risky operation was performed.
Family friends gathered to meditate and send energy to my brother, who was at this point, in an artificial coma. During their meditation they connected psychically to him. My brother's intention was clear, he did not want to have another surgery, he would recover on his own. To everyone's amazement, my brother's heart started to beat again and in less than 3 months he had fully recovered.
To date, doctors cannot explain such a remission. In retrospect, this is when I realize that we are so much more than our physical bodies, that an important parts of us that is invisible to the human eye that can't be explained through science and that we all have this incredible power; the power to heal our mind, body and soul.
Years later, after putting aside spirituality not wanting to come off as weird or "whoo whoo" I was in a frustrating job as an interior designer. Even though I had been top of my class and praised in all of my jobs for my talent and creative vision, the architecture world did not seem to want me. My projects were constantly canceled or postponed. I felt lost, depressed, misaligned with myself and with life.
This misalignment was expressed externally as deep sadness, low self-esteem, drug and alcohol use, sexual obsessions and depression.
One day I decided to try reiki healing. I did not know what it was but I was willing to try anything to feel better. I walked into my appointment with an inner knowing that would be a profound and life changing experience...
Within a month I had stopped drinking, stopped using drugs and decided I would make healing myself and learning how to help others my life mission.
Today I am a reiki master, an IFS informed practitioner, an avid meditator and love to learn more about what it means to be a happy human being.